For a searchable database of Coop Unit research activity, please visit our federal website.
Current Research
Interior Population Trumpeter Swan Project
Range-wide migratory connectivity for full-cycle conservation of the golden-winged warbler, a climate-sensitive songbird of highest conservation concern. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. M.S. Student: Gunnar Kramer (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).
Delineating sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. Principal Investigators: David E. Andersen and John Fieberg. M.S. Student: David Wolfson.
Marshbird response to invasive cattail control using grazing, mowing, and herbicide application in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. M.S. Student: Nina Hill.
Resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska. Principal Investigators: David E. Andersen and Patricia L. Kennedy (Oregon State University). Post-doctoral Research Fellow: Jason Bruggeman.
Assessing landowers’/producers’ attitudes toward and motivations for participating in conservation programs beneficial to wildlife. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. Student: Megan Cross, M.S. Natural Resource Science and Management
Human Dimensions Research Fellow. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. Postdoctoral Research Associate: Susan Schroeder (Ph.D., Natural Resource Science and Management – Environmental Science Policy and Management).
Deer goal setting surveys and deer hunter attitude research. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. PhD Student: Leslie McInenly (NRSM); M.S. Students: Eric Walberg (NRSM), Megan Cross (NRSM).
The 2014 waterfowl hunting season in Minnesota: a study of hunters’ opinions and activities. Research Associate: Susan Schroeder.
Wild turkey hunter survey (2014). Research Associate: Susan Schroeder.
Cooperating Faculty Research
Determining the olfactory sensitivity of Asian carp (Hypophthalichthys spp.) to putative hormonal sex pheromones – II Behavioral Responsiveness. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Student: Aaron Claus.
Historical and current black tern habitat relationships in the Great Lakes region. Principal Investigator: Francesca Cuthbert. Student: Katherine Wyman.
Airspace as habitat: methods for assessing use by animals. Principal Investigator: Jim Perry. Co-Principal Investigator: Douglas Johnson. Student: Kevin Heist.
Past Research
Assessment of techniques for evaluating woodcock population response to Best Management Practices applied at the demonstration area scale. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Kyle Daly (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).
Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the core of the species range. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Post-doctoral Research Associate: Henry Streby. Students: Sean Peterson (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management), Gunnar Kramer (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).
Effects of imperfect detectability on inferences from monitoring. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Co-Principal Investigator: Doug Johnson. Student: Beth Rigby (Ph.D., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).
Golden-winged warbler demography and habitat associations in Minnesota. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Sean Peterson, M.S. (Natural Resources Science and Management, Wildlife Ecology and Management Track). Post-doctoral Research Fellow: Henry M. Streby
The use of satellite telemetry to evaluate migration chronology and breeding, migratory, and wintering distribution of Eastern Population sandhill cranes. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Dave Fronczak (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).
Summarizing data and developing conservation practices for eagle nesting and concentration areas in the Midwest Region. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Post-doctoral Researcher: Jason E. Bruggeman.
Walk-in access user study. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. M.S. Student: Megan Cross, Natural Resource Science and Management
Southeast Minnesota landowner focus groups and survey. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton, Co-investigator: Mae Davenport, Forest Resources. Graduate Students: Amanda Sames, Amit Pradhananga Ph.D., Natural Resources Science and Management
Assessing the cumulative impacts to near-shore, in-water habitat. Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. Students: Jennifer Keville and Jessie Lepore.
Predicting and mitigating vulnerability of trout streams. Co-Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. Students: Jennifer Biederman, William French, and Jane Mazack.
Winter diets and growth of brown trout Salmo trutta in groundwater-dominated streams. Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. PhD Student: William French
Determining the olfactory sensitivity of Asian carp (Hypophthalichthys spp.) to putative hormonal sex pheromones – II Behavioral Responsiveness. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Post Doc: Joseph Leese. Students: Aaron Claus, Elizabeth Fox.
Determining possible effects of local fish species on recruitment dynamics of common carp in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Post-doctoral researcher: Przemek Bajer
Moose habitat use and activity in Voyageurs National Park. Principal Investigators: Ron Moen, Steven K Windels. Students: William Chen, Tessa Tjepkes, Amanda McGraw, Michael Joyce.
Identifying risks to migratory birds and bats from wind development. Principal Investigator: Jim Perry. Co-Principal Investigator: Doug Johnson. Student: Kevin Heist.
Survival and recovery rates of webless migratory game birds. Principal Investigator: Todd Arnold. Graduate Students: Hannah Specht, Seth Stapleton. Research Associate: Cristina de Sobrino
Fall Movements, Habitat Use, and Survival of the American Woodcock in the Western Great Lakes Region
Home Range and Habitat Use of Breeding Northern Goshawks in North-central Minnesota
Geographical information systems techniques to channel slope delineation in Minnesota
Effects of riparian forest harvest on instream habitat and fish and invertebrate communities
Stream classification for TMDL assessment using a dimensionless, reference reach approach
Biodiversity conflict management: land-use policies in island landscapes, a state-level comparison