
For a searchable database of Coop Unit research activity, please visit our federal website.

Current Research

Interior Population Trumpeter Swan Project

Range-wide migratory connectivity for full-cycle conservation of the golden-winged warbler, a climate-sensitive songbird of highest conservation concern. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. M.S. Student: Gunnar Kramer (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).

Delineating sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. Principal Investigators: David E. Andersen and John Fieberg. M.S. Student: David Wolfson.

Marshbird response to invasive cattail control using grazing, mowing, and herbicide application in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. M.S. Student: Nina Hill.

Resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska. Principal Investigators: David E. Andersen and Patricia L. Kennedy (Oregon State University). Post-doctoral Research Fellow: Jason Bruggeman.

Assessing landowers’/producers’ attitudes toward and motivations for participating in conservation programs beneficial to wildlife. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. Student: Megan Cross, M.S. Natural Resource Science and Management

Human Dimensions Research Fellow. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. Postdoctoral Research Associate: Susan Schroeder (Ph.D., Natural Resource Science and Management – Environmental Science Policy and Management).

Deer goal setting surveys and deer hunter attitude research. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. PhD Student: Leslie McInenly (NRSM); M.S. Students: Eric Walberg (NRSM), Megan Cross (NRSM).

The 2014 waterfowl hunting season in Minnesota: a study of hunters’ opinions and activities. Research Associate: Susan Schroeder.

Wild turkey hunter survey (2014). Research Associate: Susan Schroeder.


Cooperating Faculty Research

Determining the olfactory sensitivity of Asian carp (Hypophthalichthys spp.) to putative hormonal sex pheromones – II Behavioral Responsiveness. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Student: Aaron Claus.

Historical and current black tern habitat relationships in the Great Lakes region. Principal Investigator: Francesca Cuthbert. Student: Katherine Wyman.

Airspace as habitat: methods for assessing use by animals. Principal Investigator: Jim Perry. Co-Principal Investigator: Douglas Johnson. Student: Kevin Heist.


Past Research

Assessment of techniques for evaluating woodcock population response to Best Management Practices applied at the demonstration area scale. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Kyle Daly (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).

Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the core of the species range. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Post-doctoral Research Associate: Henry Streby. Students: Sean Peterson (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management), Gunnar Kramer (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).

Effects of imperfect detectability on inferences from monitoring. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Co-Principal Investigator: Doug Johnson. Student: Beth Rigby (Ph.D., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).

Golden-winged warbler demography and habitat associations in Minnesota. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Sean Peterson, M.S. (Natural Resources Science and Management, Wildlife Ecology and Management Track). Post-doctoral Research Fellow: Henry M. Streby

The use of satellite telemetry to evaluate migration chronology and breeding, migratory, and wintering distribution of Eastern Population sandhill cranes. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Student: Dave Fronczak (M.S., Natural Resources Science and Management – Wildlife Ecology and Management).

Summarizing data and developing conservation practices for eagle nesting and concentration areas in the Midwest Region. Principal Investigator: David E. Andersen. Post-doctoral Researcher: Jason E. Bruggeman.

Walk-in access user study. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton. M.S. Student: Megan Cross, Natural Resource Science and Management

Southeast Minnesota landowner focus groups and survey. Principal Investigator: David C. Fulton, Co-investigator: Mae Davenport, Forest Resources. Graduate Students: Amanda Sames, Amit Pradhananga Ph.D., Natural Resources Science and Management

Assessing the cumulative impacts to near-shore, in-water habitat. Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. Students: Jennifer Keville and Jessie Lepore.

Predicting and mitigating vulnerability of trout streams. Co-Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. Students: Jennifer Biederman, William French, and Jane Mazack.

Winter diets and growth of brown trout Salmo trutta in groundwater-dominated streams. Principal Investigator: Bruce Vondracek. PhD Student: William French

Determining the olfactory sensitivity of Asian carp (Hypophthalichthys spp.) to putative hormonal sex pheromones – II Behavioral Responsiveness. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Post Doc: Joseph Leese. Students: Aaron Claus, Elizabeth Fox.

Determining possible effects of local fish species on recruitment dynamics of common carp in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Principal Investigator: Peter Sorensen. Post-doctoral researcher: Przemek Bajer

Moose habitat use and activity in Voyageurs National Park. Principal Investigators: Ron Moen, Steven K Windels. Students: William Chen, Tessa Tjepkes, Amanda McGraw, Michael Joyce.

Identifying risks to migratory birds and bats from wind development. Principal Investigator: Jim Perry. Co-Principal Investigator: Doug Johnson. Student: Kevin Heist.

Survival and recovery rates of webless migratory game birds. Principal Investigator: Todd Arnold. Graduate Students: Hannah Specht, Seth Stapleton. Research Associate: Cristina de Sobrino

Fall Movements, Habitat Use, and Survival of the American Woodcock in the Western Great Lakes Region

Home Range and Habitat Use of Breeding Northern Goshawks in North-central Minnesota

Geographical information systems techniques to channel slope delineation in Minnesota

Mortality of walleye caught in live-release tournaments: assessment, reduction, and determination of acceptable levels

Effects of riparian forest harvest on instream habitat and fish and invertebrate communities

Stream classification for TMDL assessment using a dimensionless, reference reach approach

Biodiversity conflict management: land-use policies in island landscapes, a state-level comparison

Interactions Between Native And Nonnative Species: Consequences Of A Brown Trout Introduction On A Coldwater Stream Community


Project Websites

Nestor One Canada Goose Research Camp