For a searchable database of Coop Unit research activity including reports, please visit our federal website.
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Other Reports
- 2014 Final Report – Detectability in Bird Surveys
- 2013 Annual Report: Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the cores of the species range
- 2012 Annual Report: Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the cores of the species range
- 2013 Annual Report: The use of satellite telemetry to evaluate migration chronology and breeding, migratory, and wintering distribution of Eastern Population of sandhill cranes.
- 2012 Annual Report: The use of satellite telemetry to evaluate migration chronology and breeding, migratory, and wintering distribution of Eastern Population of sandhill cranes.
- 2013 Annual Report: Resource Use of Arctic Peregrine Falcons along the Colville River, Alaska.
- 2012 Annual Report: Resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska.
- 2013 Annual Report: Assessment of techniques for evaluating American woodcock population response to Best Management Practices applied at the demonstration-area scale
- Eastern Population Sandhill Crane Final Report (Fronczak Thesis)
- 2012 Annual Report: Assessment of techniques for evaluating American woodcock population response to Best Management Practices applied at the demonstration-area scale
- Final Report: Moose habitat use in Voyageurs National Park
- The 2002 waterfowl hunting season in Minnesota: A Study of Hunters' Opinions and Activities
- The 2005 Waterfowl Hunting Season in Minnesota: A Study of Hunters' Opinions and Activities
- A Study of the General Public's Perceptions and Opinions of Lake and Aquatic Plant Management in Minnesota
- Fall Survival, Movements, and Habitat Use of American Woodcock in the Western Great Lakes Region: 2004 Field Season Report
- Fishing in Minnesota: A Study of Angler Participation and Activities – Regional Differences
- Fishing in Minnesota: A Study of Angler Participation and Activities
- Fishing in the Neighborhood: A Study of Recreation and Fishing Participation in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area
- Hunting in Minnesota: A Study of Hunter Participation and Activities
- Waterfowl Hunting in Minnesota: A follow-up study of respondents to the 2001 waterfowl survey
- Waterfowl Hunting in Minnesota: A study of new waterfowl hunters' opinions and activities
- Waterfowl Hunting in North Dakota: A survey of Minnesota residents who hunt waterfowl in North Dakota
- WGLR Goshawk Plan 1999